In my pictorial endeavours, I am concerned with the relationship between chaos and order.
The human eye favours order, while our thoughts tend to be chaotic: my former works were large format panoramas consisting of countless fragments of incoherent information -in its “all over”-arrangement forming a universal order out of the chaos of pictorial narrative by consideration: the rules of aestheticism slowly built up the order during months of arranging one particular work.
Over time I became more interested in reduction and the decisive moment in photography again: I use a mechanical device from chaos-research to track down chaotic behaviour within seconds while the aperture is open. The rules of gravity force chaos into order and a mechanical apparatus can take actions i.e. “make choices” (!) it seems. Choices are reactions to the universal gravities. They are unique and impossible to calculate by mathematics. This simple device disproves Isaac Newton and could be seen as physical proof of a creative force formerly known as divinity.